
A quiet rural community, Riley has shown steady growth in the past 10 years. Three new housing developments have been established since 2005. One development still has large open building sites available. There are options for restaurants, a locker plant for fresh meat, and a new Dollar General retail outlet. There are two wired options for phone, internet, and television and at least two wireless options for phone and internet. The community PRIDE group hosts events throughout the year to bring residents together. Families have chosen to make Riley home because of the excellent school district, safe atmosphere, and friendly neighborhoods.
- 1,421 Residents
- Median Home Value: $123,482
- Median Rent: $613
Childcare & Schools
- USD 378
- 1 Daycare
- 1 Riley County Elementary School
- 1 Riley County Middle School
- 1 Riley County High School
Retail & Dining
- 3 Restaurants
- 2 Grocery Stores
- 8 Retailers
- 1 Gas Station
- Nearest Hospital: 17 miles (Via Christi, Manhattan)
- Nearest Medical Professionals or Clinic: 17 Miles
- 3 Religious Centers
- Broadband providers: Twin Valley, Verizon, US Cellular
- 5 Public Facilities
- 2 Local Park
- 1 Swimming Pool
- Sales Tax 8.5%
- Top 3 Employers: USD 378, Schurle Signs, Riley State Bank
Distance to Regional Centers
- Fort Riley: 27 mile
- Junction City: 27 miles
- Manhattan: 15 miles